The 6 most common causes of motorcycle accidents

Some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents include distracted driving, impaired driving, or dangerous road condtions.

The 6 Most Common Causes of Motorcycle AccidentsKnowing the most common causes of motorcycle accidents here in California can help all drivers reduce the risk to motorcyclists on the road. If you were recently in a motorcycle accident, it might even help you determine what caused yours. Here is what you need to know about how motorcycle accidents occur and ... Read More

When should you hire a lawyer for a car accident in Los Angeles?

Los Angeles County is home to at least 5.8 million registered motor vehicles. These vehicles cover over 92 million miles annually in Los Angeles alone. With so many vehicles driving so many miles, there are bound to be accidents. When you find yourself in the middle of one, it may be the beginning of a long chapter in your life, ... Read More

Long Beach sees serious truck-on-truck and motorcycle-on-motorcycle crashes

In previous articles, we have focused on how the size discrepancy between vehicles can increase the risk of injuries in a crash. For example, a semi-truck can cause severe damage to a passenger car, while—in turn—a passenger car can cause serious injuries to motorcyclists. However, serious and even fatal injuries can all occur in collisions between the same types of ... Read More

A deadly motorcycle crash in San Bernardino County

Everyone who rides a motorcycle needs to understand the risk of accidents and injuries. When you crash, you have very little to protect you, and your body is vulnerable to physical trauma. Motorcycles have no restraint systems, which often means that a collision will throw the cyclist off of the bike and onto the pavement. A recent tragic crash here ... Read More