Glendale pedestrian seriously injured by a highly intoxicated driver

In the late summer, a 13-year-old boy ended up in the hospital with critical injuries after trying to cross Verdugo Road in Glendale. According to a witness, the teenager had the pedestrian crossing light when he started moving across the crosswalk at about 7:50 p.m. A Subaru was driving about 35 to 40 miles-per-hour and failed to stop at the ... Read More

Glendale, CA has some of the nation’s most stressed drivers

Many people get stressed out on the road, especially when they are in a hurry. The work commute is a time when stress and aggravation levels are particularly high for drivers. Not only is this when stop-and-go traffic is most common, but it’s often also the time when drivers are either running late to work or especially anxious to get ... Read More

Everything you should know about slip & fall accidents

What is the leading cause of Americans visiting the emergency room? Most people would probably guess car accidents, heart problems, or contagious diseases, such as the flu. However, according to data from the National Safety Council, the actual leading cause of emergency room visits are slips-and-falls. As one of the most common causes of accidental injury, no one is immune ... Read More