Traffic in the Los Angeles area is known for being congested—and it is becoming more so every year. This often makes being a pedestrian in our city extremely dangerous, and we’re all pedestrians at one point or another. In fact, simply getting from the parking lot to our final destination puts us in the position of being a pedestrian. There ... Read More
What you should know about workplace discrimination
While it is prohibited by both state and federal law, workplace discrimination remains a serious problem in California and the United States as a whole. Discrimination can happen to anyone—man or woman, gay or straight, young or old—and can have a serious impact on nearly every aspect of victims’ lives and career. Many people who experience workplace discrimination suffer emotionally, ... Read More
The most common causes and consequences of car accidents in Los Angeles
Tens of thousands of people are injured in Los Angeles car accidents every year. In many of these cases, victims are entitled to compensation under California law. These accidents can occur for a number of reasons, and some of the most common scenarios are discussed below. To learn more or to discuss the specifics of your case with an experienced car ... Read More
California’s SB 1159 and AB 685 provide new COVID-19 guidelines
Many months after it first arrived in our state, COVID-19 outbreaks continue throughout California. To slow the rate of transmission and provide both businesses and workers with clear rules and guidelines, state lawmakers have passed two new bills regulating COVID-19 exposure, notification, and workers’ compensation coverage in the workplace. Earlier this year, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order ... Read More
Causes of truck accidents and best ways to avoid them
All traffic accidents are dangerous, but when they involve massive semi-trucks, they often result in devastating injuries. The extreme size and weight difference between semis and the cars we drive makes these accidents extremely destructive. If a negligent trucker leaves you or someone you love injured in a truck accident, consult with an experienced truck accident attorney in the Los ... Read More
The 6 most common causes of motorcycle accidents
The 6 Most Common Causes of Motorcycle AccidentsKnowing the most common causes of motorcycle accidents here in California can help all drivers reduce the risk to motorcyclists on the road. If you were recently in a motorcycle accident, it might even help you determine what caused yours. Here is what you need to know about how motorcycle accidents occur and ... Read More
When should you hire a lawyer for a car accident in Los Angeles?
Los Angeles County is home to at least 5.8 million registered motor vehicles. These vehicles cover over 92 million miles annually in Los Angeles alone. With so many vehicles driving so many miles, there are bound to be accidents. When you find yourself in the middle of one, it may be the beginning of a long chapter in your life, ... Read More
Long Beach sees serious truck-on-truck and motorcycle-on-motorcycle crashes
In previous articles, we have focused on how the size discrepancy between vehicles can increase the risk of injuries in a crash. For example, a semi-truck can cause severe damage to a passenger car, while—in turn—a passenger car can cause serious injuries to motorcyclists. However, serious and even fatal injuries can all occur in collisions between the same types of ... Read More
A deadly motorcycle crash in San Bernardino County
Everyone who rides a motorcycle needs to understand the risk of accidents and injuries. When you crash, you have very little to protect you, and your body is vulnerable to physical trauma. Motorcycles have no restraint systems, which often means that a collision will throw the cyclist off of the bike and onto the pavement. A recent tragic crash here ... Read More
Here are the answers to your personal injury questions
If you have recently been injured in an accident caused by another person, you're not alone: the CDC reports that accidental injuries are responsible for nearly 40 million doctor's visits each and every year. As a victim, there's a good chance that you have a number of questions about the personal injury process. In the material below, we've answered a ... Read More